Tuesday 16 December 2008


My name is Lynne Hardy, and I'm a Biology and Physiology lecturer on the Foundation Science courses here at the City of Sunderland College.

So what do we mean by Foundation Sciences?
Well, we have three main courses which we run on behalf of the University of Sunderland.

The first is Biomedical Sciences. This is for people who want to go on to a degree in Biomedical Science, Pharmacology or Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (CPS) at Sunderland. If you are over 18, this course acts as a foundation to get you up to speed in the relevant areas (Chemistry, Biology, Physiology, Maths and IT). All you need tojoin us is a Level two qulaification in Maths and English (and if you don't have those, we can help you get them). If you're under 18 and your A-levels aren't quite going the way you'd hoped, you can join us after your AS year. This means you get to go to University at the same time as your friends and aren't a year behind.

The second course is Sports Science; that's for people who are interested in coaching, amongst other things. Its quite simialr to Biomedical Science, but instead of chemistry you study Biomechanics, Sports Psychology and a Level 1 coaching certificate. From here you can go on to a Foundation Degree (not the same thing as a Foundation year) at the College, or on to the University for a full degree.

The third is our Foundation Course in Pharmaceutical Sciences. This is for British students who have completed their A-levels but just faild to get the grades for Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy. Its also for international students who need an A-level equivalent to apply for pharmaceutical science courses. You'll study mostly chemistry, with supporting biology, physiology, maths and IT.
If you want to talk to anyone about the courses, contact us on science@citysun.ac.uk or ring us on 0191 5116526
More later!

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